Introducing Eco 5, the World's Largest, Most Powerful Countertop Food Waste Recycler That Will Tackle Your Kitchen Mess
Greetings, world!
This blog post is going to cover FoodCycler's game-changing product, the Eco 5, and explain why this incredible innovation launch has taken the world by storm!
Eco 5: Who, What, Why, and How?
Who is FoodCycler?
FoodCycler® is an award-winning brand of food waste recyclers created by Food Cycle Science, a clean-tech company that is committed to producing best-in-class food recycling technology for reducing waste and promoting sustainability.
📖 A food waste recycler is a kitchen appliance that recycles your household food waste, transforming it from a wet sticky mess to a dry, lightweight and easily storable by-product (which we call Foodilizer™!) This by-product is nutrient-rich and nearly completely bacteria-free, and can be used in gardening applications as a soil amendment.
What Is the FoodCycler Eco 5?
Eco 5 is an electric compost alternative, or food waste recycler, which transforms your food waste into a dry, nearly bacteria-free by-product that can be used as a soil amendment in your garden!
Powered by Vortech Grinding System, the Eco 5 is the most powerful food waste recycler available today, able to grind more and grind better than comparable products.
To learn more about the incredible power of this science-backed product, check out the blog below:

Why Eco 5?
We designed Eco 5 with our customers' needs in mind: this powerhouse is perfect for larger families or households three or more, and/or those who produce a larger than average of food waste per day.
Let's look at some reasons why Eco 5 is the best-in-class:
The Eco 5 is:

The Eco 5 took the world by storm with its release in 2023, almost immediately collecting accolades for its superior Vortech Grinding System and overall premium product design.
IF Design Award 2023 | RedDot Award 2023

The Vortech Grinding System is a specially engineered grinding matrix built into the FoodCycler's removable Grinding Bucket.
Placed at regular intervals along the interior of the bucket walls, multiple stainless steel blades cut and crush bucket contents as they are cycled around the interior by the powerful central grinding arms.
The grinding arms push food waste around the bucket in such a way that, not only are contents macerated by the surrounding steel blades, but food is cycled in a specialized figure-8 flow motion which maximizes aeration as well as water and waste volume reduction.
Made to Process More:

FoodCycler products are in a class all of their own: performance tests and longterm customers consistently prove that the Eco 5 can withstand years of grinding the toughest food wastes, without skipping a beat. Our Three-Year Manufacturer's Warranty is a testament to the strength of our products - and our belief in them.
Learn more about our Warranties and see how FoodCycler stands behind the products we engineer.
The Eco 5's quiet hum while running is guaranteed to let you sleep through the night - it makes less noise than a dishwasher - or even a fan!
Its removable bucket and simple functionality mean that you can skip the learning curve and impact on your lifestyle. FoodCycler uses a plug-and-play model to make it easy for you to reduce your food waste: simply add your food waste to the unit and press Start - the Eco 5 will take care of the rest!
Carbon Negative:
That's right, FoodCycler is a carbon-negative product! By diverting food waste from landfills (and therefore keeping harmful CO2e gases from food waste out of the atmosphere), you're doing wonders for the earth. Cutting down on food waste is a simple yet significant way for homeowners to help lower their carbon footprint.
💡 Did you know? Up to 40% of the food our food system produces every year is wasted. This means that a quarter of the garbage we send off to landfills is composed of uneaten food. This is bad news for the environment, because food waste that decomposes in landfills generates methane gas, which is ~25X worse for the environment than the CO2 from our cars.
You Asked, We Delivered:
We heard our audience asking for a unit with a larger capacity, so we delivered. The Eco 5 is our largest capacity electric food waste recycler yet!
Now, our customers can run a single cycle and tackle ALL of their household food waste.

Where Can I Buy Eco 5?
The Eco 5 is available across North America via our online store at
How does the Eco 5 work?

Get the Dirt On Eco 5: FAQ, Specs & Capabilities of the FoodCycler Eco 5
For more frequently asked questions about the Eco 5, visit our FAQ page here >>>
What Are the Eco 5's Specifications?

What Food Wastes Can the Eco 5 Process?
When it comes to transforming your food waste to plant food, there isn't much the Eco 5 can't do! Visit the What To Feed Your FoodCycler page for the types of common food wastes that you can safely add to your cycle.

How long does the cycle last?
4-9 hours, with an average cycle time of 6.5 hours. The duration of the cycle depends entirely on how wet and tough the food waste you're cycling is, and whether any items were added to the cycle after it had already begun (which will increase cycle time).
What's Foodilizer™?
Foodilizer is the dry, powdery by-product left over at the end of the FoodCycler cycle. Because it contains plant- and soil-friendly nutrients from the food items you've recycled, this powder can be used as a soil amendment in potted plants and garden beds.
What do I do with my Foodilizer?
After a cycle is complete, you can store your FoodCycler by-product in a closed container indefinitely. Foodilizer is nearly completely bacteria-free and free of weed seeds or food-borne pathogens. You can also use your Foodilizer in a variety of gardening applications. Check out our blog on the subject to learn how you can compost with Foodilizer!
What are people saying about Eco 5?
The FoodCycler Eco 5 is a popular established product from FoodCycler. The reviews are unanimous: Eco 5 is a hit!

The Eco 5 is the convenient and POWERFUL food waste recycler you never knew you needed. Shop this game-changing technology here >>>
U. S. Food & Drug Administration (2024). Food Loss and Waste. [online] U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Available at:,percent%20of%20municipal%20solid%20waste. [Accessed 9 Sep. 2024].