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Eco-Friendly Tips: How Saving the Planet in 2022 Could Make You Healthier

Ready to take action? Read this blog to discover our eco-friendly tips and find out how saving the planet could make you healthier!

In recent years, it’s become clear that collective action is required if we’re going to curb the impending climate crisis. While big corporations must also play their part, we can make our own individual impact and improve our health in the process.

In today’s blog, we’re going to take a look at some key eco-friendly tips that show saving the planet in 2022 could make you healthier in 2022.

How Becoming More Eco Friendly in 2022 Can Make You Healthier

1. Ditch Carbon-Heavy Transport

When it comes to climate change, the transport industry contributes massively to the carbon we pump into our atmosphere. While transport accounts for ⅕ of ALL global CO2 emissions, road travel alone is responsible for ¾ of this figure.

If you’re looking to get fit and healthy in 2022, why not try ditching the transport altogether? If you’re in a rush to get from A to B, cycling is a speedy option that allows you to bypass traffic and get your blood racing.

Walking also has many incredible benefits, including:

  • Stress reduction
  • Maintain or lose weight
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve sleep

2. Eat More Plant-Based Foods

Research shows that meat and dairy products fuel the climate crisis, while plant-based diets — focused on fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans — help protect the planet.

If you’ve ever considered going vegan, 2022 is the time to give it a try. Don’t worry if you’ve missed the veganuary challenge, the year is still young, and you can start reducing your meat and dairy consumption any time you like.

As well as cutting down harmful greenhouse gas emissions, a plant-based diet can be super beneficial for your health.

As a staple part of healthy eating, some of the key benefits include:

  • Easier weight management
  • Lower risk of heart disease
  • Lower risk of diabetes
  • Effective digestion

3. Reduce Red Meat Intake

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, red meat in particular has some detrimental health impacts when eaten in higher quantities. The charity claims there is strong evidence to suggest that either red or processed meat can make you more likely to develop cancer during your lifetime.

In 2020, why not try to limit your intake to a couple of times a month?

By doing so, you can improve your health significantly and save the planet in the process. Red meat primarily comes from cows, farmed in disproportionate numbers to meet consumer demand. The problem is, farming them causes tonnes of methane to be released into the atmosphere, a harmful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

4. Opt for Organic Food Options

Shopping organic is a small yet significant change that prioritizes healthy eating and eco-friendly practices. ‘Organic’ describes the agricultural process behind a product that is monitored more closely than non-organic products.

Some of the reasons why eating organic is healthier AND better for the environment include:

  • Limited use of only naturally-derived pesticides
  • No genetically modified ingredients
  • No routine use of antibiotics
  • No use of growth stimulants like hormones
  • No artificial colours or preservatives
  • Livestock is always free-range

If you’re looking for eco-friendly tips for 2022 that don’t require much effort at all, shopping organic is the ultimate solution.

5. Cook From Scratch

Our landfills are quickly filling up with single-waste plastic, exponential food waste and other household waste. This is a major problem that impacts both our environment and communities worldwide.

Cooking from scratch is a great way to cook healthier food while doing your bit for the planet. Individual ingredients (such as fruit, vegetables or herbs) can be purchased without plastic packaging from your local grocery store. Thanks to more control over your shopping, you can make sure to buy the exact amount you need, so none of your food goes to waste.

Want to hear one of our bonus eco-friendly tips?

Investing in a home food recycler like the FoodCycler is a great way to dispose of your leftovers without impacting the environment. Simply throw in your scraps and use the amendment to nourish your garden or beloved houseplants.

6. Use Eco-Friendly Products

You can make plenty of changes around the home and in your life that incorporate eco-friendly products. As well as helping the planet, they can also make a healthier lifestyle more realistic.

Cleaning products are a crucial example. Bleach and other household cleaners are not only bad for the planet due to their composition and plastic packaging, but they’re also bad for your health. Using bleach to scrub your floors or blast your toilet can release harmful airborne particles into the home, impacting your lungs in the process.

Why not switch out your traditional cleaners for some eco-friendly products instead?

Check out this excellent list for 5 Canadian natural cleaning products!

7. Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption

In December 2021, it was predicted that 79 million people would be taking part in this year’s Dry January challenge, a month strictly free of alcohol consumption. While the focuses of this are mainly to benefit physical and mental health, there are also some environmental advantages.

Alcohol is a multi-billion dollar industry that has a substantial carbon footprint to match. Since alcohol is made worldwide and then shipped to various global destinations, it requires a lot of carbon-heavy transportation to make distribution possible.

By cutting down or cutting out alcohol entirely, you can reduce demand and improve your health at the same time.

No matter what your lifestyle looks like, everyone can change in 2022 to become healthier and enact a positive impact on the planet. If you want to learn more about FoodCycler and how we’re doing our bit, head to our website today.

A Note on Terminology

The FoodCycler® is a countertop electric food waste recycler that breaks down food scraps through a mechanical process into a dry, lightweight by-product that can be used in gardening applications as a fertilizer. The FoodCycler® and other electric food waste recyclers are not composters, nor do they produce compost or soil as they do not require additional microbes to break down food waste with bacteria. However, the term "electric composter" has been used to describe electric food waste recyclers.